FOX10 – Spring Allergies or Faux Spring Allergies: Pollen Isn’t The Only Trigger for Coughs, Stuffiness & Headaches

Winter time isn’t the only season that brings with it coughing and sneezing. Springtime is the peak of allergy season, a time when people prone to Spring Fever and allergies are especially sensitive to tree pollens and grass grains distributed by strong winds. Not only are the symptoms of spring allergies uncomfortable, these symptoms, if severe enough, can even prevent from daily functioning. In fact, according to U.S. Health News, allergies result in over four million missed work and school days among Americans alone.

Adults and children can prevent allergy symptoms by visiting a local clinic who can prescribe the correct medications and provide symptom-reducing strategies.

Learn more about spring allergies in our interview with FOX10 News.

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