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What does Integrated Health Care Look Like for the Future of Healthcare?

Integrated healthcare is a specific kind of approach to healthcare, as it is very collaborative. Many different doctors and care providers work with each other to give a patient what they need. The convenience they offer patients has made them a very popular choice. Integrated healthcare solutions are very effective, because they provide more support for the patient’s emotional and physical wellbeing. Integrated healthcare solutions are also often more affordable for many patients. 

Integrated healthcare solutions are still new to the industry, but they have become popular quickly. This is because advances in technology have made the solutions more accessible and affordable. New technologies have also made communication much easier. This has led to many different integrated healthcare trends. These integrated healthcare trends can be confusing for patients to understand. Use this blog as a guide if you think integrated healthcare could be right for you. 

What is Integrative Health and How Does it Differ from Integrated Health Care?

Integrative health and integrated healthcare sound very similar, however they are very different. Integrative health has more in common with holistic medicine. This is because integrative health makes spiritual, social, and community considerations to create a health care plan for a patient. The benefits of integrative health are less obvious as researchers are still studying these beneficial aspects. Integrative healthcare is also more of a complementary form of health care. It has not been fully integrated into mainstream medicine and common practice. 

How does the patient benefit?

Integrated healthcare solutions can benefit patients in many different ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Reduces symptoms of depression
  • Makes services more accessible 
  • Improves the quality of care and quality of life
  • Lowers overall healthcare costs 

Many of these benefits are come from the fact that integrated healthcare solutions are so patient-centered. Additionally, patients have access to services they may have never had access to before that comes at a surprisingly low price. That low price makes integrated healthcare solutions accessible to many people. 

A Patient-Centered Health Care Method

Integrated healthcare solutions meet a patient’s unique needs. This is all done in a coordinated fashion. Integrated healthcare solutions make sure that all healthcare providers are on the same page. This team-based approach to treatment improves the overall quality of care. This is because patients have access to a lot of resources that can meet their every need. The integrated health model is designed specifically to address all these needs and treat the whole person. Treatment plans also use management techniques instead of focusing on individual health or behavioral issues. 

Integrated Health Care Systems Can Save Money

Because of how beneficial integrated health solutions are, you might think they are very expensive. This is not the case. In fact, it can even save you money. It’s estimated that integrated healthcare solutions can result in:

  • 35% reduction in inpatient costs
  • 39% reduction in emergency room costs
  • 26% reduction in total medical costs

Considering how high healthcare costs are, this is probably one of the most important integrated healthcare trends that convince patients to make the switch.

Want to see integrated healthcare in action and experience the benefits for yourself? denova Collaborative Healthcare can help out with that, whether you like to be in-person or virtual. Contact us today to schedule an intake appointment!

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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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