Denova’s Health Blog

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Preventative Health Care for Men

No one has control over their family’s medical history or genetics, and this can be frustrating. However, there are still things you can do now to lower your risk of developing serious health conditions later in life. Taking care of yourself now so you’re in better health, later on, is called “preventative healthcare.” June is Men’s Health Awareness Month, so we wanted to focus on the importance of healthcare for men and what you can be doing to take better care of yourself. 

We think healthcare for men, and Men’s Health Awareness Month, are very important. This is because of the stigma surrounding healthcare for men and how few regularly visit a doctor. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have reported that women are 33% more likely to visit a doctor than men, and 100% better at getting preventative care. A more recent survey from the Cleveland Clinic


found that most men would rather do household chores than go to the doctor. Only half of those surveyed said they considered getting annual check-ups. This shows why Men’s Health Awareness Month and healthcare for men are important. Additionally, regular check-ups and health screenings can catch diseases and illnesses in their early stages. They’re easier to treat when they haven’t matured so serious complications don’t arise. 

In honor of Men’s Health Awareness Month, we wanted to outline some of the most common and most crucial types of preventative healthcare for men. These are some of the ways you can live healthier now and in the future. 

Your Journey to Improved Health

The good news is many of the simplest preventative healthcare measures are things you might be doing already. These are things like dieting and exercising. 

A good diet should be well-balanced. This means it includes lots of different foods like fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and foods high in fiber. It’s also recommended to limit your intake of sugars, sodium, and saturated fat. 

At a minimum, men should be getting 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. This can include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, or playing sports. 

In addition to eating better and exercising, there are a few other lifestyle changes you should make starting this Men’s Health Awareness Month, including:

  • Losing weight if you’re overweight
  • Not smoking or using tobacco products 
  • Limiting your alcohol use to no more than two drinks a day
  • Protecting skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays
  • Managing your stress
  • Practicing safe sex 
  • Avoiding extreme sports, stunts, or making rash decisions that increase your chance of injury

To honor Men’s Health Awareness Month, we wanted to explain why preventative health measures are important. For example, diet and exercise can help lower blood pressure and levels of bad cholesterol. Other preventative health measures do much more than that. Preventative healthcare for men also helps you manage your health now for a healthier future. This means you can avoid health issues when you are older or catch them before they get serious. 

We recommend that men see their doctor at least once a year. This yearly visit is for an annual check-up. These routine check-ups should include lots of different screenings. Test screenings can find problems in their early stages. This leads to better health outcomes, because you know what needs to be done to prevent them from worsening. You can also get shots to keep your immune system strong and give it a boost. Most health insurance plans do cover preventative care, so there’s no reason not to get preventative care. 

In addition to seeing your doctor at least once a year, the basic level of preventative healthcare for men also includes:

  • Getting dental and eye exams every six to 12 months
  • Getting a flu shot every year
  • Get your blood pressure checked every year or two, and ask your doctor how often you should get your cholesterol levels checked
  • Get the Tdap shot and the Tdap booster vaccine every 10 years after
  • Get regularly tested for colon cancer starting at age 50
  • Get vaccines for conditions like shingles and pneumonia starting at age 60

What regular screenings can do for you

  • Always be proactive! Asking your doctor questions will help you stay on top of any conditions that may arise. Learning more from your doctor will also give you more confidence and control over your health
  • Acknowledge warning signs! Stay vigilant and never ignore anything that would be a potential risk. Working with a specialist from denova Collaborative Healthcare can help you catch the early signs of common health concerns like:
    • Colorectal cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Kidney stones and disease
    • Lung cancer
    • Heart and vascular
    • Primary care
    • Prostate cancer
    • Stroke
    • Testicular cancer
    • Osteoporosis
    • Orthopedics and sports medicine
    • Urology and reproductive health
    • Testosterone-related energy conditions
  • Our approach to healthcare for men will help you feel healthier and more whole. We provide care at every stage of life for every condition.

Start Men’s Health Awareness Month by taking a more proactive role in maintaining your health. Book an appointment with one of our virtual providers today!

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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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