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New Year, New You, Without the Resolutions

New year, new you. That’s what we always say, right? But did you ever think that there might not need to be a new you every time the clock strikes midnight on January 31st? New year’s resolutions are a good idea, in theory. However, lots of people develop a sense of shame, guilt, or disappointment in themselves when they don’t “stick to their resolution.” This is because there is so much pressure put on the idea of “bettering” yourself in a new year that who you are does not feel like enough. Sure, we all have things we want to accomplish, and we can with a better mentality. Let’s get into it.

Why It Doesn’t Work

There could be hundreds of reasons why people drop their new year’s resolutions by February. The top four are:

  1.  They don’t want to make one in the first place. Most people make new year’s resolutions because everyone else does, and it makes others feel like they have to. So why wouldn’t they?
  2.  It’s something they feel like they should be doing. Work out 5 times a week. Wake up at 4:30am to start your routine before work. Only eat organic foods. Those “shoulds” are not realistic for everyone, so they are not realistic resolutions.
  3.  It’s a “fresh start.” Yes, it is. But if that is the only reason for creating a resolution, your mindset won’t change.
  4.  They’re not planning out how to achieve that goal. If someone sets a goal to get in shape, then there is a certain amount of time and planning that needs to go into implementing that change. If they wing it, chances are there will be no follow-through.

What Are Other Options

Instead of setting unrealistic new year’s resolutions, try to start the new year with a theme in mind. This theme will serve as a guide and help you better track your progress. Some theme examples include fulfillment, balance, and connections. Here are some tips to help you follow a new theme in the new year:

  1.  Start by writing down your accomplishments in 2022.
  2.  List out specific, obtainable goals underneath your theme.
  3.  Encourage healthy behavior by changing your surroundings.
  4.  Surround yourself with like-minded people and supporters.
  5.  Make one small change every month.
  6.  Don’t be afraid to experiment.
  7.  Accept that some things may be out of your control.
  8.  Don’t get discouraged or beat yourself up.
  9.  Ask for help if you need it.
  10.  Make sure there is still balance.
  11.  HAVE FUN!

Instead of making new year’s resolutions, set a theme and have fun with it throughout the year! Remember everything you have accomplished without a resolution. If you need some extra help along the way, denova Collaborative Healthcare is here for you. Call us at 602-230-7373 to schedule your free yearly physical, and talk about ways to celebrate a healthy body and mind in the new year.

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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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