Denova’s Health Blog

Your Gateway to Mental and Physical Health Insights and Inspiration

Mindful Moving Through the Holidays

You might be reading this while trying to put together your shopping to do list, or taking a short break while trying to finish up that end of year report before your office is closed through the new year. Whatever the case may be, the holidays can be a high-stress time. We are pulled in many different directions with family, friends, work, and trying to keep ourselves sane. So how do we deal with all of the holiday stress while making sure our mental and physical health is also a priority? Keep reading.

What It “Should” Be

The holidays are supposed to be full of joy, family, and warmth. However, that is not the case for all of us. When someone feels like they are supposed to be happy during the holidays and can’t understand why they are not, it brings up feelings of isolation and guilt. Anxiety and depression can increase when we are stressed out about getting the right gift for someone or getting the pie just right. This can cause someone to withdraw and focus on the negative.

Focus on Being Mindful 

Depression and anxiety run high during the holidays. One of the easiest things you can do is focus on mindfulness and movement throughout the holidays. Here are a few ways to avoid the mass amounts of stress that hit you during the “most wonderful time of the year:”

  • Focus on what is going on around you at one point in time. Zone in on the current moment you are in, and do not think about the 12 other stores you have to go to by 5pm.
  • Accept that not everything is going to be in your control.
  • Do not focus on how much fun other people are having or the cool trip they are on. Dial in on how you are feeling, and try not to base your holiday experience on what you see on TV or on social media.
  • Make mental and physical health a priority. Stick to whatever healthy habit helps you feel better throughout the year, and maybe dial it up over the holiday season. Whether it’s meditating, going for a walk, exercising, or reading, do your best to keep that worked into your busy holiday schedule.
  • Breathe. Take a step back and excuse yourself when you need to.

The holiday season is a fun but stressful time for most people. It is the time of year that we should focus on our mental and physical health the most, but often do not. Call us at 602-230-7373 to talk about the best ways to make yourself a priority over the holidays or if you just need to vent. Whenever, wherever…we are here for you.

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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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