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How to Help Your Child Stay Healthy During the School Year

Children go to school to learn, develop social skills, grow cognitively, and develop independence. However, a school can be where your kids pick up illnesses and germs and carry them home.

Kids in school spend most of their time in classrooms and can easily spread infections to each other. Here are seven tips to help keep their immune systems strong and avoid illnesses during the school year.

1. Teach Your Child Healthy Habits and Emulate it

Healthy children emulate healthy parents. Your child learns from you; they walk, talk, and even eat as you do. To protect your child from health problems, help them develop and practice healthy habits. Set a good example for your children by practicing healthy habits such as keeping a food journal, an activity log, and limiting screen time.

2. Get Current On All Vaccines

Vaccines are a guaranteed way of preventing the spread of infectious diseases. The ongoing pandemic has seen the number of children getting timely vaccination drop drastically. A good practice is to liaise with a reputable pediatrician like denova Healthcare to ensure your kid gets all the necessary immunizations.

3. Establish Good Sleep Hygiene

Good and enough night’s sleep is an essential part of any person’s health. Sleep is, especially, paramount for kids’ healthy growth and development. Inadequate sleep can lead to depression, poor concentration, injuries, obesity, and suicidal ideation.

Lack of sleep affects a child’s emotional and physical health. Sleep also plays a critical role in a child’s school performance. Try and eliminate things that interfere with your kid’s sleep and have a fixed bedtime.

4. Watch For Behavioral Changes; Signs Of Anxiety And Stress

School-going kids face a myriad of stressful tasks and situations every day in school. Therefore, parents must know how to spot and manage any symptoms of children’s stress and anxiety. Allow them to engage in activities that help them de-stress. A one-size-fits-all strategy may not work since each child is unique. If a personalized strategy does not work, contact your kid’s pediatrician.

5. Make Lunchtime Fun & Offer Healthy Snacks At Home

After a busy day at school, kids come home ravenous. You should give them nutritious after-school snacks instead of the convenient, processed picks. Healthy snacks can be just as tasty and easy to prepare as processed snacks. Also, nutritious snacks don’t just solve your kid’s hunger issues; they deliver the necessary nutrients for their quality health.

6. Learn About Common Childhood Illnesses

Kids have high exposure to infections and germs at school. Their underdeveloped immune systems also make them susceptible to sickness. Some of the most common childhood illnesses include skin problems, allergies, gastrointestinal issues, and neurological conditions. Always consult with your child’s pediatrician for tips on how to manage such diseases before they exacerbate.

7. Ensure Your Child Has The Right School Supplies

School supplies play a critical role in any child’s education—they foster creativity and independence. It is crucial to ensure your kid doesn’t depend on others for pencils, construction paper, or a pair of scissors. Most infections and illnesses are spread through contact, and therefore, if your kid has to borrow school supplies every time, it renders them more susceptible to such illnesses.

Get a Reputable Professional to Check Your Child’s Overall Health

Your child’s quality health is paramount for your peace of mind and happiness. At denova Healthcare, we offer primary care, behavioral, emotional, and pediatric care to ensure your child is healthy throughout the school year. Please contact us today to schedule a check-up appointment for your child.

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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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