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How Employee Wellness Impacts the Bottom Line

Healthy and engaged employees are key to the success of any business. Over the last decade, many large companies have implemented employee health and well-being programs to encourage their workers to live healthy, balanced lives.

About 50% of all employers offer some kind of wellness program, and 92% of workplaces with 500 employees or more provide employee wellness programs and related perks, such as stress management programs, gym memberships, and other programs to promote health at the workplace.

But how does employee wellness impact your business’s bottom line? Is it worth the investment? Get the answers from denova Collaborative Healthcare now!

How Do Employee Wellness Programs Help Your Bottom Line?

There are lots of different ways that employee wellness programs benefit your business. Here are 6 ways implementing employee wellness initiatives at your company can help your financial success.

  1. Improve employee health behaviors – Wellness programs can help improve overall employee health behaviors, by helping reduce smoking and alcohol use, improving weight management, encouraging healthy eating and exercise, and much more. This reduces both acute (e.g., sleep problems) and chronic health issues (e.g., diabetes).
  2. Reduce healthcare costs – With proper wellness programs in place, employees will enjoy better overall health, which leads to lower healthcare costs both for employees and employers. This is particularly true if your health insurance company provides discounts or other perks for enrolling in employee wellness programs.
  3. Decrease absenteeism – Fewer health issues mean decreased absenteeism and fewer sick days. As a simple example, if an employee with diabetes can improve their health, lose weight, and manage their chronic condition more effectively, they are less likely to need to miss work for medical treatment.  52% of employees say that employee wellness programs have “reduced their number of sick days.”
  4. Improve productivity – Even when they are present at work, employees may not work productively, especially if they are in poor health. This is called “presenteeism.” A study has shown that exercising, eating healthily, and quitting smoking can dramatically improve workplace productivity, reducing presenteeism and leading to a more efficient and productive workplace.
  5. Improve employee retention87% of workers say they “consider” employee wellness programs as a major factor when choosing a job. Benefits like free gym memberships, wellness visits to doctors, and other such components of employee wellness programs are very appealing as part of an overall benefits package and may be helpful in boosting overall employee retention.
  6. Increase morale – Better health leads to healthier mental and physical attitudes about work, and a better overall lifestyle. This, in turn, can increase overall workplace morale. 70% of workers enrolled in a workplace wellness program have reported “higher job satisfaction” after enrollment.This is incredibly important for businesses of all sizes, since companies with engaged, happy employees are 21% more profitable, and workplaces with high morale see 41% less absenteeism on the job.

denova Healthcare’s Employee Wellness Program

At denova Collaborative Healthcare, we offer a virtual employee wellness program that’s comprehensive, easy to implement, and can assist you in improving the overall health and well-being of your employees.

Our program focuses not just on physical health and forming better lifestyle habits, but also on mental health, which is particularly important due to the physical distancing, social isolation, and stress caused by COVID-19.

We offer wellness coaching, counseling, and personalized plans to help each employee meet their goals for physical and mental health and well-being. If you’d like to learn more about our program and how denova can help your company, just contact us online or call us at  602-230-7373.

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Schedule your appointment now and experience health care that meets you where you are. Same day, next day appointments for Psychiatry, Therapy and Primary Care available.


Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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