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COVID-19 Booster Shot: What You Should Know 

The development of COVID-19 vaccines has become a life-saving milestone for our world, as we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the Pandemic. Though the vaccines have been distributed to billions of people worldwide, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recently recommended a booster shot for specific individuals.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the next steps you should take to protect yourself against COVID-19.

Should You Get Vaccinated? 

It’s worth mentioning that if you have not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 yet, this should be your top priority. The CDC has currently authorized and recommended the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccines. Additionally, the CDC does not recommend ​​one vaccine over another.

No matter which vaccine you choose to receive, it is essential to remember that getting fully vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and others from becoming seriously ill.

As of now, COVID-19 booster shots are available for all People age 18 years and older who received Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

  • Age 50+ should get a booster: The risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19 increases in age. Individuals are also at risk if they are living with an underlying medical condition. Examples of high-risk conditions are
  • Chronic lung, kidney, or liver disease


  • Age 18+ who live in long-term care settings should get a booster: Residents in long-term care settings live closely together in a group setting. With that being said, they are more likely to spread COVID-19 throughout their living facilities. Not to mention, some individuals may be living with a chronic illness that puts them at increased risk of experiencing health complications when fighting off the virus.


  • All adults age 18+ are eligible for a booster:  This is particularly important for those who have underlying medical conditions, work in high-risk settings, or have close contacts at high risk due to underlying health problems: Individuals with underlying health conditions should consider getting a booster shot because they are at an increased risk of developing infections and becoming severely ill from COVID-19. Adults who work in high-risk environments may be at increased risk or at increased risk of being exposed to COVID-19, which could spread throughout the workplace or home. Examples of workers who are encouraged to get COVID-19 booster shots to include:
  • First responders
  • Healthcare workers
  • Schools
  • Food and agriculture workers
  • Manufacturing workers
  • Corrections workers
  • U.S. Postal Service workers
  • Public transit workers
  • Homeless shelters


If you are eligible and have received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Modern vaccine, you should wait at least six months after your second dosage to receive a COVID-19 booster shot.

For those who have received the Jonson & Johnson’s Janssen shot, you are eligible for a booster if you are 18 years or older. However, you will need to wait at least two months after the first shot before receiving your booster.


How to Stay Safe, Even If You are Vaccinated

If you are fully vaccinated or have received a COVID-19 Booster, shot there are still some precautions you should take to keep others safe, including:

  • Wearing a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of high transmission.
  • Continue to follow the guidance at your workplace and local businesses.
  • If your test result is positive for COVID-19 and you are vaccinated, you will still need to isolate at home for ten days.
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested, stay home, and away from others.


Next Steps


For now, COVID-19 booster shots are only available for select individuals. If you are not eligible for a COVID-19 booster, we recommend continuing to follow the guidance of the CDC for the latest updates.

While we continue to navigate the ongoing pandemic, we want to encourage you to remain vigilant in your efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. We highly recommend wearing a mask, even if you are vaccinated, and continuing to monitor your health for COVID-19 symptoms.

New patients can call denova Collaborative Healthcare at 602-777-6337 for a free, 15-minute wellness consultation. You can also click here to make an appointment online. Remember, if you are experiencing a crisis, please call 911 immediately.


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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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